So Great a Cloud of Witnesses
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1-2
A St. Albert of Trampani, St. Alphonsus Liguori, St. Anne, St. Anselm, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Athenasius, St. Augustine | B St. Benedict, St. Bernard of Clairvaux , St. Charles Borromeo, St. Bruno| St. Blaise | C Cyril and Methodius |D St. Dominic |E St. Elizabeth of Hungary , Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity| F St. Francis of Assisi, St. Francis de Paola, St. Francis de Sales| G St. Gerard Majella St. Gertrude, | H St. Helen, St. Hermano Pedro St. Hubert| I | J St. James, Sts. Joachim and Anne, St. John, Ap. & Evangelist, St. John Bosco, St. John Chrysostom, St. John of the Cross, St. John of Damascus | K | L Pope St. Leo the Great, St Luke| M St. Mary Margaret Alacoque, St. Mary Magdalen of Piazzi, St. Martha, St. Meinrad |N St. Nicholas | O |P St. Patrick | St. Peter, Ap., Sts. Peter & Paul, | Q | R St. Rose of Lima | S St. Simon Stock| T St. Teresa of Jesus, St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus & the Holy Face | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
St. Gerard Majella, October 16
St. Gerard Majella, Miracle at the Well.
Bl. Gerard Majella, of the Congregation of the Redemptorists
One of his ecstasies before the image of the Most Holy Virgin.
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In Macedonia, in the House of the Cappucines,
St. Gerard before an image of the Madonna, shouting: Behold how beautiful, goes into ecstasy in
the presence of many priests
and lords.
St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi, May 25
A Powerful Prayer to be said before praying:
"Almighty Father,
I place the Precious Blood of Jesus before my lips before I pray, that my prayers may be purified before they ascend to Your divine altar."
~St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi. Carmelite
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, October 16

"Behold this Heart that has so loved men."
Bouasse Lebel
Upon her canonization, October 17 (the day of her death) was set as the memorial of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque. Following Vatican ll, in 1969 that date was assigned to St. Ignatius of Antioch, and the memorial of St. Margaret Mary was moved to Oct.16. Many continue to commemorate St. Margaret Mary on October 17.
St. Martha: Feast Day, July 29

Martha, Martha,
one thing only is needful.
St. Augustine's sermon
on Martha and Mary
Feast of St. Martha
Santo Hermano Pedro, April 25
St. Hermano Pedro
"The St. Francis of the Americas"
Saint Hermano Pedro de San José de Betancurt is Guatemala's and Central America's first saint.
"The St. Francis of the Americas"
Saint Hermano Pedro de San José de Betancurt is Guatemala's and Central America's first saint.
Sts. Cyril and Methodius: Feast Day, February 14

Sts. Cyril and Methodius, Co- Patrons (with St Benedict, St Edith Stein, and St Bridget of Sweden) of Europe
"...the funeral Mass was held in all three liturgical languages: Latin, Greek, and Slavonic. Rivers of faithful who had received Christ through the achievements of these two missionaries flowed for days as they paid their respects after the funeral.Their lives are a testimony of love, pure and simple. They loved their God and the souls they served more than themselves, and so they gave their lives in honor of that love. Such is the perfect valentine, if you ask me. So I say again what I already said, and I mean it: have a very happy Valentine’s Day, today and every day. "
by Father John Bartunek, LC | Source:
St. John Apostle & Evangelist: Feast Days, December 27 and May 8
St. John Apostle & Evangelist
St. John, Apostle and Evangelist
Society of St. Augustine
St. John the Aposte by Lucas van Leyden (ca. 1490 - 1533)
St. John of the Cross, Carmelite Solemnity, December 14
John of the Cross: My House Being Now At Rest ~ ENLARGING THE HEART
St. John of the Cross Doctor of Mystical Theology Carmelite
Video with music:
St. John of the Cross: Spiritual Canticle
CONTEMPLATION St. John of the Cross sculpture by Magdeleine Weerts
Our whole life is a prayer, a loving and adoring contemplation that nothing must interrupt. ~ Charles de Fouchauld
St. John of the Cross Doctor of Mystical Theology Carmelite
Video with music:
St. John of the Cross: Spiritual Canticle
CONTEMPLATION St. John of the Cross sculpture by Magdeleine Weerts
Our whole life is a prayer, a loving and adoring contemplation that nothing must interrupt. ~ Charles de Fouchauld
St. Nicholas, Bishop: Memorial, December 6
St. Nicholas, Bishop of Myra
Sermon by St. Augustine for the
Feast of St. Nicholas
St. Nicholas of Bari
St. Nicholas, Bishop of Myra
Greek (270 – 6 December 346)
Because his relics were translated to Bari in southern Italy in 1087, he is also known a St. Nicolas of Bari.
Beloved by both Eastern and Western Christians, he is also known as St. Nicholas the Wonderworker because of the many miracles attributed to his intercession.
Sermon by St. Augustine for the
Feast of St. Nicholas
St. Nicholas of Bari
St. Nicholas, Bishop of Myra
Greek (270 – 6 December 346)
Because his relics were translated to Bari in southern Italy in 1087, he is also known a St. Nicolas of Bari.
Beloved by both Eastern and Western Christians, he is also known as St. Nicholas the Wonderworker because of the many miracles attributed to his intercession.
St. John of Damascus: Feast Day, December 4
John Damascene: The Incarnation Reveals the Goodness and Wisdom, the Justice and Might of God ~ ENLARGING THE HEART
The Image Doctor - Doctor of the ChurchSaint John of Damascus, Priest, Religious, Doctor of the Church
Peering Through the Windows
St. John of Damascus
Full of Grace and Truth
Righteous St. John of Damascus
The Icon of Three Hands
Icons are Dynamic Love Letters between God and Man
Apologia Against Those Who Decry Holy Images)
“Show me the icons that you venerate, that I may be able to understand your faith.” - Saint John of Damascus
St. Elisabeth of Hungary: Memorial, November 17
"Remember always that you are made by the hands of God, and act accordingly."
~ St. Elisabeth of Hungary
Story of
St. Elisabeth of Hungary
Hungarian Cinnamon Bread
From Catholic Cuisine
~ St. Elisabeth of Hungary
Story of
St. Elisabeth of Hungary
Hungarian Cinnamon Bread
From Catholic Cuisine
St. Gertrude the Great, November 16
St. Gertrude
Turgis, Paris
Prayer of St. Gertrude the Great for the Holy Souls in Purgatory
Our Lord dictated the following prayer to St. Gertrude the Great to release 1,000 Souls from Purgatory each times it is said:
Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen.
St. Gertrude the Great
St. Gertrude the Great Abbess
From these sources we learn that St. Teresa of Avila "chose her as her model and guide" and " sought her intercessory prayer often."
Turgis, Paris
Prayer of St. Gertrude the Great for the Holy Souls in Purgatory
Our Lord dictated the following prayer to St. Gertrude the Great to release 1,000 Souls from Purgatory each times it is said:
Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen.
St. Gertrude the Great
St. Gertrude the Great Abbess
From these sources we learn that St. Teresa of Avila "chose her as her model and guide" and " sought her intercessory prayer often."
St. Hubert: Feast Day, November 3
After seeing The Cross between the antlers of a deer he was about to kill and at the same moment hearing the voice of Jesus begging him to repent, St. Hubert returned to the faith, gave up hunting and became a holy priest. Why he was made patron saint of hunters is a mystery to me!
On Nov 3 his feast day, in
A Year of Prayer, I found this Prayer to St. Hubertus
Great St. Hubert, you were passionate about hunting, but when touched by Divine Grace, you put down your bow and took up the collar of Priesthood. Known for your miracles and the conversion of hundreds, you convinced others to worship and glorify Our Lord.
Moved by your example, I implore your help. I ask for the Grace to follow in your footsteps and become a passionate disciple of Christ. Amen.
On Nov 3 his feast day, in
A Year of Prayer, I found this Prayer to St. Hubertus
Great St. Hubert, you were passionate about hunting, but when touched by Divine Grace, you put down your bow and took up the collar of Priesthood. Known for your miracles and the conversion of hundreds, you convinced others to worship and glorify Our Lord.
Moved by your example, I implore your help. I ask for the Grace to follow in your footsteps and become a passionate disciple of Christ. Amen.
Pope St. Leo the Great: Feast Day, November 10
Leo the Great: Lift Your Faithful Hearts to the Gracious Blaze of Eternal Light ~ ENLARGING THE HEART
St. Pope St. Leo the Great,Doctor of Unity of the Church
In the newer Roman calendar November 10 is the feast of Pope Saint Leo I, “the Great”. In the older, traditional calendar, his feast is 11 April.
Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity: Feast Day, November 8
- Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity- Praise of His Glory
- Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity, the Saint of the Divine Indwelling
- Substitute Yourself in Me that My Life may Become but a Reflection of Your Life ~ ENLARGING THE HEART
Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity - daily quotations
St. Teresa of Jesus, Carmelite Solemnity, October 15
Teresa of Avila: Spiritual Battles and Interior Peace ~ ENLARGING THE HEART
St. Teresa of Jesus, Doctor of Prayer
Sainte Thérèse
(St. Teresa of Jesus)
print from an engraving
attributed to Demarteau
Art Catholique #279
6 Place St. Sulpice
circa late 1800's

Portrait European post card
St. Francis of Assisi: Memorial, Oct. 4
St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus & the Holy Face: October 1
St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face
Doctor of Confidence and Missionaries
Portrait by her sister Celine (Sr. Genevieve) commissioned in 1907
Saint Thérèse Home Page
BLOGS ABOUT: St. Teresa of the Child Jesus
The love of our Lord
is revealed
just as well in the most simple soul
as in the most sublime.
St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face
Doctor of Confidence and Missionaries
Portrait by her sister Celine (Sr. Genevieve) commissioned in 1907
Saint Thérèse Home Page
BLOGS ABOUT: St. Teresa of the Child Jesus
The love of our Lord
is revealed
just as well in the most simple soul
as in the most sublime.
St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face
St. John Chrysostom: Feast Day, September 13
John Chrysostom: We Impart the Wisdom of God in a Mystery ~ ENLARGING THE HEART
St. John Chrysostom Called The Golden Tongued because of his eloquence.
Doctor of the Church
St. John Chrysostom Called The Golden Tongued because of his eloquence.
Doctor of the Church
St. Augustine: Feast day, August 28

Augustine of Hippo: God Enlarges the Capacity of Our Soul that He may Fill Us with His Presence ~ ENLARGING THE HEART
St. Augustine, 354-430Doctor of Grace
2 favorite quotations:
"If you are the Body of Christ and his members, your divine mystery is set on the table of the Lord; you receive your own mystery... Be what you see and receive what you are."
St. Augustine
"And he departed from our sight that we might return to our heart, and there find Him. For He departed, and behold, He is here."
St. Augustine
St. Bernard of Clairvaux: Feast Day, August 20
Bernard of Clairvaux: “Saviour” Is His Name From Everlasting; He Has It Of His Own Proper Nature To Save ~ ENLARGING THE HEART
St. Bernard of ClairvauxThe Mellifluous Doctor
St. Bernard of Clairvaux
Link to The Memorare
"The soul must grow and expand, so as to be capable of God. And its largeness is its love, as the Apostle says, 'Widen yourselves in love' (2 Cor 6:13). It grows and extends spiritually, not in substance, but in virtue. The greatness of each soul is judged by the measure of love that it has: he who has great love is great, he who has little love is little, while he who has no love at all is nothing.” ~ Bernard of Clairvaux ~
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